Staying connected and informed during lockdown with the Navarino webinar series and VOIP calling ships from home

Jun 18, 2020 | Latest News

Normal meetings, face to face and in offices, have been impossible during lockdown, but to help stay connected with our customers and to keep them up to date with all our latest service enhancements and offerings, Navarino has been holding a series of webinars that are open to all partners. Topics covered so far include –

  • Infinity – The most common configuration options and firewalling guidelines
  • Crew Internet Best Practices using Infinity – How to deliver a personalised service to your crews
  • Using Infinity with onboard Operational Technology – The key points to be aware of and how to do so cyber securely
  • Maritime Cyber Security – Separating the facts from the fiction

Our webinars are a great way to learn about the features of our services and solutions. Especially due to the fact that solutions like Infinity have so many features, that you may not be aware of a really useful functionality that is already in your hands as an Infinity customer.

We shall be continuing the webinar series after lockdown ends, as it has proven to be extremely popular with a broad range of our partners around the world. We email all our registered partners with the invitation details of each webinar we hold, but the best way to stay informed about when the next one will be is to follow Navarino on social media, where we also always post the webinar calendar.

Did you know?

During lockdown, we have also been keen to raise awareness of the VOIP capabilities of Infinity that can allow you to call your vessels from home over VOIP. If you have an Infinity Office unit, all you need to do is to download a soft phone application (such as Zoiper for example) which will allow you to VOIP-call your vessels easily from the smartphone in the palm of your hand.

You will find us on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter, so be sure to follow us so that you can stay updated about any of the sessions that may be of interest to you. Alternatively, if you prefer to attend a webinar in your own time, please just let your account manager know or email and we shall be happy to set one up for you.