Navarino to launch cyber security package for shipping

Nov 1, 2016 | Latest News


In the current technology environment, cyber security is being put under the spotlight to a greater and greater extent and the shipping industry is really beginning to engage with the topic. Today’s threats have expanded from viruses and hacking to include ever more advanced forms of threat. Keylogging, which involves recording the keys struck on a keyboard while the person using the keyboard is unaware that he is being monitored allows the keylogger to easily acquire sensitive information of both a commercial and personal nature.

Furthermore, machine to machine attacks are expected to increase as the internet of things continues to interconnect the world ever deeper. In 2016, 6.8 billion devices are interconnected and this is going to increase to 20 billion by 2020, which represents a huge opportunity for hackers, as many of those devices do not prioritize security as much as they could.

In response to these growing threats, Navarino is launching its own cyber security package in order to put as much security as possible on board our customers’ vessels, and to minimize the threat of security issues for vessels at sea, which can often be targets for various types of attack. The package will be rolled out in two stages, with a first lite version arriving in Q4, and a more complete package early in 2017.

CEO Dimitris Tsikopoulos said ‘As vessels’ IT infrastructures become more complex and integrated, the threat of exposure to cyber threats increases. This is why more and more people are talking about this topic and why the threat of cyber attack is one of the most challenging issues in shipping today. Navarino will roll out its cyber security package in Q4 of 2016, which will be provisioned via the Infinity platform. Among other things it will contain firewalling, port monitoring and an anti-virus service, and these will be joined by Intruder Detection and Intruder Prevention systems shortly thereafter. We consider this to be an essential element to protect ships from cyber threats, which may originate either on shore or on board.’