Infinity is constantly being developed, and very often the development roadmap is lead by requests from you, our customers and Infinity users. This quarter a major Infinity update is being released, version 2.2 which includes several new functionalities which have been commonly requested in this way. Updates are pushed automatically to all Infinity units, with no action needed from Infinity users.
The main features in these release are listed below for further details kindly just contact us.
- Fleet Xpress users are now able to see whether a vessel’s connection is going through the FleetBroadband or Ka Band antenna. This highly requested new feature allows users to check whether the vessel is on the high speed or lower speed network and work accordingly.
- In addition, Fleet Xpress and Xpresslink firewall and web proxy rules can now be set separately for FleetBroadband and Ka Band networks. This means you can for example have tighter firewall rules on the FleetBroadband specifically, in order to ensure heavy crew traffic does not slowdown the business network.
- This update also adds the ability to backup customer Virtual Machines that are hosted within Infinity Plus or Cube. To do so, Infinity users will need to provide us with a Windows file share on which the backup will be stored.
- Integration of Angel into Infinity is also a major part of this update. Angel is the new cyber security service which is hosted on Infinity Plus or Cube.
- Individual bandwidth quotas. Infinity administrators are now able to set bandwidth limits per registered user. For example you can set a maximum download and upload limit for crewmembers in order to save bandwidth for the business network.
- Network device oversight. Infinity administrators can now retrieve a list of all network devices connected to Infinity (for example laptops, mobile phones, network printers and so on).
This 2.2 update also includes Infinity portal and web service enhancements, along with some bug fixes. Each time there is an Infinity update we send out the full changelog to all our Infinity customers, but if you have any questions about this latest release, please just contact your Navarino account manager.