As part of our proactive service to keep your communications efficient and straightforward, we would like to remind you how your vessels should use Inmarsat Legacy systems, such as Inmarsat C and Fleet 77, registered with Navarino. Note this information does not apply to FleetBroadband terminals.
Any of these Inmarsat terminal types which can select a Land Earth Station and which you have registered with Navarino under GR14, should use Stratos Land Earth Stations. This ensures that they will benefit from our discounted rates for their communications. It is very important to note however that if these terminals switch from Stratos to another Land Earth Station, they will be charged the default rates of that Land Earth Station which can result in very high communication costs. We have seen cases where non-Stratos Land Earth Stations can charge up to 10 times more than Navarino registered terminals using Stratos Land Earth Stations.
Accordingly please advise your vessels equipped with Inmarsat legacy terminals registered under Navarino using GR14 to ensure that they use only Stratos Land Earth Stations for their communications. The Stratos access codes to use on the terminals can be found in the table above.
For assistance, call our technical support department +30 2104111311 or email on